"Leadership starts with Love"


Kundenstimmen aus der ganzen Welt

Danke, Frau Spillman, für Ihren durchdringenden, packenden Vortrag sowie Ihre Motivations- und Aktivierungskünste.

Dank Ihnen wurde die KMU-Veranstaltung in Kassel zu einem unvergesslich positiven Erlebnis, das noch lange nachwirken wird.

Besonders gut gefallen hat mir, dass Sie uns allen einen Spiegel vorgehalten haben und ein jeder angehalten war, sich durch Rollenspiele in verschiedene Sandwurm-Charaktere hineinzuversetzen, die in unser aller Leben anzutreffen sind. Erst durch die Ausführung der Rolle, konnten wir die wahren Charaktereigenschaften (im Guten wie im Schlechten) der einzelnen Sandwurmcharaktere wirklich spüren und erfassen. Ein gutes "Learning", um zukünftig auf bestimmte Charaktere reagieren zu können.Das Beste zum Schluss: Sie haben uns durch Ihre persönlichen Geschichten vermittelt, worauf es wirklich im Leben ankommt. Eine Mahnung und zugleich Aufforderung zum Überdenken unseres Handelns, die in dieser unserer Zeit S O kaum bis gar nicht mehr zu hören ist.

Danke und weiter so.....

Herzlichen Gruß, Nicole Oehl 

Nicole Oehl
Key Account Manager Geomarketing bei Creditreform Boniversum GmbH, Germany

Petra really knows how to take initiative and leadership to get things done. Her lessons and leadership by example, have shaped my own leadership style.

Petra's vision have been nothing but inspirational. I could not have been any luckier to have fallen under her leadership.

Best of all, she believes in you and encourages you in your way. I truly miss her and will be honored to be under her leadership again. Can't thank her enough for the advice and informations she shared. 

Mohamed Mostafa
Electrical Design Engineer | MEP team, Egypt

After meeting Petra, your life will be divided into two:

The "Before Petra" era, which can characterize the period in which you have not yet discovered the power within you, cannot move, and see things blurry.

And during the "After Petra" period, where you now understand how precious and unique the jewel in you is, you become more aware of the people around you and everything else and you start to see it from a different perspective. We can call this stage "the age of enlightenment".

A great teacher and a great leader who laid the columns, beams, bricks and all other technical equipment of the "Leader" building with all the qualities that a leader should have and puts the most important thing, "love", on the foundation of this structure. A big "THANK YOU".

Elif Genç
International Project Management Postgraduate Student, Turkey

True leader and inspiring.

She has an amazing capability tocommunicate leadership principles. The best professor I haveever had so far. I highly recommend her book “SandwormPrinciple” Is the perfect guide for management!

Nobody could explain such a complicated topic so simple.

Vania Ibarra
Student Assistant at University of Applied Sciences, Mexico

Petra war eine der TEDx-Coaches für die diesjährigen Talks.

Ihre offenen, ehrlichen und kreativen Hinweise und Ideen waren in der Vorbereitung auf meinen Talk sehr wertvoll und hilfreich.

Besten Dank!

Prof. Dr. Tobias Popovic
Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Germany

I had the chance to meet with Petra thanks to our Management Principles masters course.

I must say that our lectures with her were not just like the others.

She started to teach us even before we met and kept us learning about ourselves and the people around us outside the lectures. She always used examples from everyday life and made me aware of "whales" in my daily life together with enablers and disablers around me as she did in her book "The Sandworm Principle".

It was a really enjoyable and fruitful time with her which inspired me to leave a golden dust trail throughout my life.

Muammer Akcar
Civil Engineer, Turkey

I had the opportunity to support Petra during one of her projects.

You can sense her enthusiasm about her vision for the future of leading people in organizations.

Her knowledge about transformational and positive leadership is remarkable.

Petra is highly reliable, professional and communicates with integrity.

I really enjoyed working with her.

Anja Weiss
International Virtual Assistant for Business Coaches & Keynote Speaker, Germany

“P.E.T.R.A _ Purposed _ Encourager _ Tenacious _ Reassured _ Accomplished” (p.85, The Sandworm Principle)

Petra is a genuine and kind human who help, empowered her student to grow.

I was fortunate to be one of her students during the management principle course at HFT. She is a truly inspirational person. She one of the best professors I ever had. A true leader and mentor.
She was able to show a role model in integrity.
Through her creativity and unconventional way of teaching, she was able to teach our hearts before our minds.
I could sense the transformational change she did to my colleague and me.

It’s my pleasure to recommend her to everyone who is looking for a truly inspirational life-changer leader.

Baraah Al Talhouni
Junior Architect at Wenzel + Wenzel, Jordan

Petra is the one of the Energic Leaders that her Acts Exactly is Like her Words, I mean Integrity.
Here I want to say that I Earned to be more open to people by heart and create the heart-to-heart relationship with trust and the most Important point that I earned; leadership is not a label or a degree to obtain, it is a true communication in it exact time by heart.

In addition, I strongly recommend you to read Petra’s Book “The Sandworm Principle” to have a better view of power of Leadership.

Mohammad Rahmani
Project Control / Commercial Manager, Iran

A great leader understands the power of people, trying the best to transmit her vision through the generations;

I was lucky to be a guest in her lecture, energetic, inspiring.

She is a generator of future creative leaders who inspire a safe world in which we all dream of happiness and innovation.

Highly recommend more Petra in this world!

Tarek Abdelazim
Wenzel + Wenzel, Egypt

One of the best professors I had... without even a single slide ...we learned a lot of integrity... how a real leader should look like...how to be inspiring... how to manage everything with effective methods of communication...how to deal with different cultures... Petra is just amazing!

Lazo Sadeghian
Student at University of Applied Sciences, Iran

I would like to thank Petra for the great leadership. It was very useful and interesting. I enjoyed every second of it and it will be honored to be under your leadership again so I get from your amazing knowledge more and more. I appreciate all the effort and time that you put into this workshop. Stay safe and until we meet again.

Joudy Karmo  (from Syria)
University of Applied Science, Stuttgart, Germany

Petra ist eine erfahrene Verlegerin, Authorin und Business-Mentorin, die ihre ganze Erfahrung bei uns als Speakercoach eingebracht hat. Durch ihre offene und positive Art schafft sie es, auf unterschiedliche Charaktere einzugehen und sie mit Leichtigkeit und Motivation zu besseren Ergebnissen zu führen.

Mark Fandrich
co-founder TEDxStuttgart, Germany

The lady is a star.

She convinces via integrity, her humble heart and an intense energy that leaves a positive and lasting impact

Silke Fellner
Director at Deutsche Bank, Germany

I recognize and applaud Petra Spillman attributes such as walking in humility, responsibility, creativity and motivation that are above and beyond normal; furthermore, she continues to listen and execute the task(s) with the anticipation of finding an answer to the problem(s).
Her vision in Consulting will be carried out with clear communication, honesty, integrity, respect, self-confidence and truth worthiness. Thank you Petra Spillman for being transparent in what you do.

Karen M. Scott 
Relator at Century 21 Prestige, USA